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Living Faith

Living Faith

(1 Timothy 6:11-21) It still amazes me at times that words written to Timothy in the Bible so easily apply to my own life, and I feel as though it was written directly to me. It can be very easy for even me to be caught up in the worlds push for expanded knowledge. I love to learn and figure out new things. One of the greatest opportunities I have though is to continue to learn what God has layed down in the scriptures.

In this passage Paul reminded Timothy of what was already layed out in scripture, and this applies to me as well. I am God’s first, my life is in His control, and it is His knowledge (His Word) that will prevail above all others. The way in which we can continue to keep those thoughts first in mind is layed out clearly in Paul’s instruction. “Pursue a godly life, along with faith, perseverence, and gentleness.” God promises that in seeking Him first, above all the rest, that He will bless us in our desires.

We don’t know what God has in store for us each day, but we do have His promises to give us confidence in the control He has. We can live by faith through that knowledge, even when it is hard, God will be by our side to ged us through is, to “fight the good fight”.