Sharing with the world faith journeys through Life Shapes, authentic Christian living, and communities of Faith.
The Need for Community…

The Need for Community…

(Ephesians 5:23-27)…Christ loved the church so much that he died for it. How could we even think that church is not important. Church is not about some place your go on Sundays, it’s about community. The community that Christ modeled was built around sharing lives together, holding each other accountable, and being totally real and authentic.

This type of community is something I had an opportunity to be immersed in this past week at NTS Camp. It’s so amazing to live among a group of people that live real, and aren’t afraid to show their faults. It’s not about saying that our faults are ok, but purely the fact that none of us is perfect and allowing everyone to be open enough to seek the help of each other to overcome those faults. That’s what Christ intended for the church. We cannot be Christ followers alone. We need the help of fellow Christ followers to help us on this journey.