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No Better Believer…

No Better Believer…

(Galatians 3:26-4:7)…Paul begins these passages talking about the fact that as followers of Christ we are all the same, all one, under God. We are all given the gift of being children of God when we follow Christ. In fact, as followers of Christ we actually become not only children of God, but heirs to God.

I think today with such a variety of “Christian” churches, it can be easy think of one group as better than another. The Jews and the Gentiles were very different groups, yet Paul was stressing that they were all equal under God. In many of Christ’s teaching He stressed that fact that we are not to judge, how easy it is for us to fall short of that. As follower of Christ we can become so wrapped up in the “right-way” to follow Him, that we lose sight of following Him with a true heart.

We are all sinners, we’re going to fail as we try to follow Christ’s example, however God still loves us, still gives us a second chance. God knows our true heart, there is no hiding alterer motives from Him. If we fail in how we follow Christ’s example I believe that God will show compassion on us and work to correct us. That is what a parent is like.

When we think about the fact that God offers to make us one of his children, and even on top of that an heir, I feel in awe and truly humbled. Being a child you feel special in the sight of you parents, and you generally feel loved, and looked out for. How awesome to have God as a parent! Beyond just a child we are given the gift of being an heir as well. I don’t know what that all means for us, other then many blessings in heaven. On Earth being and heir makes you entitled to everything the one you are heir to has. I can only assume that this in some way means that we will have access to all that God has to offer when we go to be with Him. With everything that God can do, and everything that He is, I can’t even begin to imagine what great things will be in store for us in heaven.

It is so easy to get caught up on judging those around me. I am called to rise about that and focus on loving all those around me. I know that I don’t have it all together as Christian, and I can’t expect and more from anyone else. My desire is to love and not judge.