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Following God, Whole Minded

Following God, Whole Minded

(1 Chronicles 28:1-21) God gave King David direction for him to pass on to his son Solomon. The most important thing that David expressed to his son was the need to keep his mind focused on following God’s calling in his life.

This same direction that David passed on to his son, we are also called to in our own lives. We may not have been called to serve as king over a nation, but God does call us all according to the plan He has for us. While we are living out His plan we are called to keep our minds focused on His will for our lives. There is amazing truth to live by, found in the scriptures. God calls us to live according to His word.

The real question for us each day is, how are we going to live our lives pleasing to God and following Him. In our work, or any other activities, we can be seen as under the direction of others, but ultimately we are still under the calling of God. We need to decide if we are going to put others direction above God’s. How can I keep God’s truth and calling as my focus today? I desire to give me work over to Him, so that it is not me that does the work but God who does the work through me.