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Only One Word of God…

Only One Word of God…

(Galatians 1:6-16)…When Paul wrote the letter to the church in Galatia he was confronting them about their current situation. They were lending an ear, and even beginning to follow, other gospels that were being preached. He scolded them and told them straight out that these other gospels were not even gospels at all. He was making it clear that there is only one true Gospel. He goes on to say that whether even an angel or anyone preaches a gospel that is different than the one that was already given that it is false and that the ones that preached it should be eternally condemned. He repeats this so you know he was being pretty strong about this.

Paul explains that the Gospel did not come from man, or even him, but it was given divinely by God. He said that when God revealed the Gospel to him he didn’t first consult anyone, but went straight to sharing the Gospel given to him by God.

So what does this mean in light of our current times? I think we can all see a lot of man-made, or distorted, gospels flying around. The same problem that the church in Galatia had is prevalent even in many of today’s churches. There are preachers and religious groups that bend God’s Word to server their own desires. The Scriptures clearly state that they should not be added to or taken away from. We need to always be going straight to God’s Word whenever something religious is being preached. Preachers that don’t use God’s Word for the basis of their preaching need to be scrutinized against what the Word says.

I want to make certain that I never let my interpretation, or someone else’s interpretation, take the place of the truth given in God’s Word. Even in light of leading tomorrow’s Bible study, there can’t be human thought that takes the place of what the Bible clearly gives us. The Bible’s truth is solid and does not bend to our whims.